It was a weird autumn afternoon. Leaves were illuminating their brilliant glory annunciating the certain darkness and death to come. Weary, I rested in my bed and closed my eyes. An ebullient intense light between my eyebrows appeared and I surrendered to it. Next thing I knew I was on the street by a coffee shop. A man pulled up, a man I knew well. “Hi” he exclaimed. “I am lost, I need to get on I-25” he uttered with a degree of urgency. “Look over there” I responded. “You can see it if you just turn your head.” Next thing I knew I was back in my bed.
A week later, feeling burdened, I entered a neighborhood coffee shop to secure a scone and continue my walk. It was then that my eyes were drawn to an ethereal spirit being on a couch in the back, exuding rays of familiarity. An eery feeling of deja vu draped over me, and quickly eschewing the scone, I ordered peppermint tea. Tentatively, I sat next to her and told my vision of a week ago. She responded softly with “you know what you need to do, don’t you?” Floundering under her compassionate gaze I became quiet.“You need to see him, contact him, he’s calling and needs your calmness. You know that and you know why” she slyly concluded.
“I have to go now” she offered, and true to her clairvoyance she already was one step ahead of my lingering doubts. “It’s quite obvious” she smiled. And she was gone.
Getting up to leave I realized that things have there own way of being and to be a student of that it would be helpful to suspend the surface chatter of the mind.
Awesome Jeff! Awesome!