Be wise, thoughtful, and emphatic. Beautiful words that flow gracefully from the tongue. Easy to say, difficult to live. We are born through the mothers womb in a process called labor. That is quite prescient for the life to follow.
It is through suffering that we are offered opportunities to learn and evolve. Learning lessons may convert suffering from a negative to a blessing. If one doesn’t learn than suffering is certain to continue.
The wise prophets all speak of letting go in one form or another. Once one learns from suffering than one is free to let it go (but not forget) the suffering. You will be drawn to the light and in the light the darkness is nowhere to be found. It doesn’t mean it’s not looming, ready to reassert itself as soon as the light recedes. When it does another opportunity for growth or relearning will appear. It’s all within the sacred circle. It is within our free will to be open, to be resentful, or to be humble.
Sadly, there are not enough role models, mentors, Gurus, to teach and/or to reveal the universal wisdom. Yet after a hurricane there is new growth. Same with the aftermath of a forest fire. From darkness there will be light. It is the essence of things.
From this consciousness arose true servants or servant leaders. None of them perfect, but have achieved the level of awareness to bear its burdens and lift up people’s higher hopes and aspirations. It’s a blessing to know or be influenced by such people.
Think or meditate on them in the maelstrom of life within you and without you.
-I have been influenced and blessed by your example, I am still aspiring to be a servant leader. Thank you Jeff.
Jeff I value and appreciate the moments of consideration your writings gift.
soo-oo true and soo-oo beautifully stated by one who knows!