There’s a movie out entitled “Fed Up,” excoriating the severe sugar addiction this society is plagued with. The crisis of obesity and the increase in diabetes are merely two examples of many that are directly related to heavy consumption of sugar. It seems that virtually every food item has added sugar.
I’ve known for decades the malevolent health effects of sugar and yet, have had recurring setbacks of my own addiction. However, since my bladder cancer surgery I have made a conscious effort to significantly reduce my intake.
I am a Whole Foods customer, eat from their salad bars frequently, and do most of my shopping there. I have noticed, with increasing alarm, their promotion of sugar laced food. One cannot help but notice, directly along the cashiers, the huge display of cookies, pies, cakes, and others, all heavily laced with sugar.
I recommend walking down every aisle and reading the ingredients. You will see sugar added to almost everything. While most cereals contain added sugar, I normally purchase a brown rice cereal without sugar. The other day, shopping for this cereal, I noticed it wasn’t there. In its place was a Whole Foods brand brown rice cereal with, of course, added sugar.
It’s bad enough that Whole Foods is encroaching with its own brand, but when it replaces products that are healthy with ones that have added sugar, that’s an insult to its name and stated mission.
Whole Foods claims that the store is concerned with, and advocates for, healthy people. I do not expect them to stop offering food with sugar additives. Since Whole Foods reaches out and markets to health conscious people, it needs to offer more foods without sugar. I would suggest that Whole Foods develop a non-sugar section of its store where an eclectic selection of sugarless food can be on display.
As a person who has struggled with food allergies and past inflammation in joints, I completely agree with your commentary Jeff. As a rule I avoid processed food and strive to only obtain sugar from natural sources and have never felt better. America is suffering from gluten and sugar infested foods and as a result is suffering from the highest rates of cardiovascular and diabetic consequences to name a few than at any other time in history. I struggle with how and why stores who lay claim to “health” can in good conscious sell so many products that harbor sugar and sugar related ingredients. I have learned to really read labels carefully!
I meant to say Alzheimer’s disease is being called Diabetes Type 3. ( so much for my clarity). I also want to add that since giving up all those so called foods I have absolutely no cravings for sweets and no cravings for anything unhealthy.
Great post Jeff. Interestingly I was diagnosed with insulin resistance recently. This is now linked to heart disease , diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s (which is being called by some as diabesity). I m not sick with any of these but was on the way. I went cold turkey and gave up sugar, grains, all wheat products and any thing processed. I eat only organic fruit, veggies and lean protein. Besides weight loss the thing that I have noticed the most is my mental clarity. My memory is better than it has been in years. I’m clear and sharp and remembering. It only took about 1 and 1/2 weeks to see the change in my memory. I highly recommend book Blood Sugar Solutions by Dr Mark Hyman and anything by Dr Daniel Amen. One of his books is Making A Good Brain Great.
Your post hits the mark Jeff! I too do most of my shopping at Whole Foods, and I have watched over the past several months as the shift has taken place towards sugar added. This is extremely unfortunate, since one of the primary reasons for shopping there for me is for purity of product. Buyers, beware!
Excellent! Respecting people and their food wishes is important. However, sugar addictive people are not so respectful. After 30 years running nursing homes visitors, families, often bring sugar to their families and friends in the nursing home and do not ask the staff regarding this sensitive issue. Personally, I have fought sugar intolerance of my own body my whole life. I am not diabetic but my body was and is incapable of assimilating sugar. Eating in peoples’ houses, restaurants, has been often difficult and embarrassing. So I have often said I am diabetic which sometimes helps. If a person has sugar addiction, tries to control it, he/she is often insulted, and hampered as people refuse to understand or be sensitive. People often offer sugar laden food without even knowing it. It is like offering a drink to an alcoholic.. One must be truly a warrior to protect oneself especially if they are prone sugar intolerance. I have read labels for years and will continue so till I die. I guess we who know will be considered cantankerous till we die.
David, the cantankerous one. I guess I’m in the same category.
Great post Jeff! You should make sure the top management of Whole Foods reads this. We saw the movie Fed Up and it certainly was depressing and inspiring at the same time.
Thanks Arlene.