A Higher Level of Understanding

A Higher Level of Understanding

I’ve been reading spiritual treatises, philosophical tomes, even Beat literature over the last few years.  I recently completed a 450 page interpretive book on the venerable Bhagavad Gita. Many times, I felt it was beyond my intellect, but I continued on. Perhaps it did resonate on another level, subtler than logical thought. It could be that some seeds were planted outside the limited borders of my intellect.

Surrendering and trusting that over time, whether through mere osmosis or cosmic alchemy, something will be revealed, my general level of awareness enhanced. I may not remember where it emanated from, but it doesn’t matter. On the flip side, I will remember some things and it’s significance is superfluous like a knowledge without benefit. Those remembrances appear as glitter, and temporary digressions from the here and now. If I breathe deep and let it go it vaporizes into the ethers and cleanses my mind.

2 thoughts on “A Higher Level of Understanding

  1. I have also read many spiritually oriented works, over time. Some resonate with me, some I have to think about, for a while. Eventually, I concluded that I should take what elements feel right, and let go of the rest. Every belief system can have something to offer. I read ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ decades ago, when much of my journey was still ahead of me, and it seemed to offer so many helpful elements. Recently, I re-read it, and found myself still respecting it, but after a life of experiences, I had a list of questions… perhaps this is the way of learning…
    Thank You, Jeff, for another gentle, thought provoking post.

    • Thanks Chris. I’ve read the Autobiography of a Yogi too. A very good book, but as we get older we realize that we separate the wheat from the chaf. Somethings really resonate, some not so much.

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