From the Shadows

My past, having a leadership role and as an advocate for radical change within the model of nursing home care, generated many requests and opportunities for public speaking. Much angst swelled within me each time. A born introvert, combined with being a very shy child, were indeed impediments. Many years ago, my therapist told me that these inner challenges would never evaporate, but that I would learn to manage them.

There were moments when I rose to the occasion, tapping into a flow that felt like I was a mere vessel for the words that I was speaking. Other times, I fell flat and was awkward.

Toward the end of my career, and the four years subsequent to the sale of Piñon Management, I had ceased all public speaking. It was, honestly, a relief. I turned to writing instead: a memoir, which will hopefully be released within months, and a blog. This is a far more comfortable way for an introvert to express themselves.

After this hiatus it turns out that I will be presenting at the Colorado Health Care Association’s spring conference. Along with the erudite and wise, Nancy Fox, and moderated by the ever creative, Nancy Schwam, the topic will be: “Wise Leadership, For it There is No Substitute. “

Unexpectedly, the Pioneer Network, of which I previously served as Treasurer for several years, requested that I be part of a three-hour intensive on the opening day of their annual conference. “Executive Leadership and Experiences in Transformation” will be the theme. With trepidation, I agreed. Once again I will confront my inner demons, which is both a blessing and a curse.

The next several months will also see the publication of my book. I am not seeking anything commercial or profitable. I intend to donate a significant percentage of whatever limited sales it generates to the Pioneer Network and the Colorado Health Care Association educational funds. I will also be refreshing my blog and my LinkedIn account.

As I make these improvements and prepare for the events ahead, I am grateful to all who have impacted my life and to any who read this blog.

5 thoughts on “From the Shadows

  1. I can hardly wait to read this publication. Your writings inspire me to think, every time you post one. My son is entering the field of his choice at last, with some leadership experience already, and I sense that I will be sharing your book with him, in order to help him bring out his own very best. With every good wish for happiness and fulfillment, Chris

    • Thanks Chris,

      Thank you for your confidence. It’s really a coming of age memoir as much as it is about my business.



  2. How grateful I am that half of my long term care career was with you as company president,leader
    and ” end point guide”. You let us know where we were headed- or at least should try to seek …..
    But you always left the packing and route finding to us. Never doubt you made a difference….and continue to do so. Thank you

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